Thursday, November 03, 2011

cuatro poemas línea

Les siguen
O bien
Cosas malas vienen

Mesa de ping
éxito ahora
Hoja en
Hoja cabo
Mirar hacia fuera
Hacer un giro
Se puede entender
El punto de mayor
Cuatro líneas
Un poema
Puede trabajar
Yo creo que sí
Los trabajadores
Trabajo hasta el amanecer
Ir a casa
A su amada
¿Está cansado?
¿Es usted necesita dormer?
Entonces dejar de leer
E ir a la cama!

Monday, October 31, 2011

¿Por qué usted debe navegar!

No sé cómo puede estar muy emocionado y hacer una pregunta a la vez ... pero de cualquier manera. Creo que la vela es uno de los grandes deportes que uno pueda jugar.O incluso hacer cuando no tienes nada mejor que hacer. Por ejemplo, antes de que se convirtió en un gran marinero que solía salir y sirve para jugar en el agua. Sin embargo,esto ya no es el caso, de hecho, a menudo me encuentro demasiado tiempo fantaseosobre el deporte de la vela. Es un deporte amable con la gente muy agradable y es algo que puede hacer toda la vida. Por lo que recomiendo que si no se vela ... pero entonces usted debe ser.

si yo podría vivir

Si pudiera vivir en cualquier época, me gustaría vivir donde estoy ahora. La era actual, creo que es uno de los mejores del mundo. Piensa en ello, hoy en día la tecnología es increíble. Ahora, debo señalar que en pocos años esto podría cambiar, cuando digo ahora me refiero a hoy, 2011. Si pudiera quedarse para siempre, entonces yo sería feliz. Pero, ¿por qué?
Bueno, me gusta la tecnología... un montón. Si yo viviera sin él, entonces me volvería loco. Lo necesito ahora y no puede vivir sin él.  Una adicción dirían algunos. Sin embargo, es por eso que me gusta esta época, tenemos que avanzar la tecnología en nuestras manos. En otras palabras, no quiero volver atrás en el tiempo o hacia adelante.
Lo siguiente en el pueblo. El pueblo donde vivo es muy agradable. Me siento come si volvier a no me tratan bien. Yo lo mismo con el futuro. Digo esto porque sé que la historia…y no es bonito.
La siguiente razón es el cima. Si esto parece una tontería, luego se da cuenta que es más caliente. Me gusta que sea caliente, pero no quiero más cálido. También es por eso que no quieren vivir en el futuro…para calentar. Así a la conclusión de que me gusta donde estoy, pero no puedo detener el tiempo.   

por escrito al azar

Pensaba que murieras en el accidente aéreo. “No,” me respondió. Que estaba cerca, pero se las arreglaron para salvarme. Sonaba que sobre viviera y yo lo hice. ¿ Tenías miedo? No…no en todos los. Me temo que no la muerte. Creaba que muriera no es el fin. Era importante que tú vieras que es sólo el comienzo. Por lo que piden que abra los ajos y no tengas miedo por más tiempo. Gracias por la sabiduría que los sabios uno, voy a pensar la palabra a todos. Gracias a mi amigo ir en paz y nunca olvides mis palabras. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

poemas cortos

gota goteo
la lluvia deje de caer
Oigo el silencio
Las lágrimas caen
¿cómo podría llegar a esto?
eras mi todo
Sueño con un bocado más
de que eran bastante el sitio
con la superficie brillante
y su cuerpo redondo
Dios sabe que voy a extrañar mi níquel
mirar hacia arriba
se mira hacia abajo
¿Qué ves?
o tal vez la tierra?
Podría ser nada en absoluto?
o puede ser todo?
mira a tu derecha
mirar a la izquierda
que está ahí ...
está de vuelta
Tengo un poema
que es algo como esto
Que te vi
Yo me vi
que estaba destinado a ser
Venga y vea
lo que está destinado a ser
de click
clack se ha ido
con el viento
y las estrellas

Pablo también conocido como(TCC) Paul por Greg Mottola reseña de película

Todo lo que sabes acerca de los extraterrestres... es verdad. Bueno, al menos en el Pablo película, dirigida por Greg Mottola, conocido por otros grandes éxitos, como Superbad. Los actores, Nick Frost y Simon Pegg, regresó a su tercera película juntos. Además, han escrito una vez más, lo que sólo puede llamar a una obra maestra. El humor en la película, a diferencia de otras películas es capaz de continuar a lo largo de toda la película. Ahora antes de que se quejen de que no te gusta la ciencia ficción, quiero decir una sola cosa, todo el mundo por lo menos, apreciar esta película. Sin embargo, con el que dijo que las personas que son muy religiosos pueden encontrar algunas piezas ofensivas. Pero, si usted es entonces por favor no dejes que eso te apague, sigue siendo una gran película que tiene un poco de todo para todos. Por lo que este pequeño extranjero se ha escapado, pero depende de usted para ver a dónde va desde aquí, así que ir a verla, no me dirigirlo mal.
Pablo es igual a Paul en español.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Niño libro

Esperamos que disfrute.

conversación en español

Enrique: hola lo que pasa?
Virginia: nada
Enrique: ... Eso es aburrido.
Enrique: ¿Quieres ir a ver una película?
Virginia: seguro
Enrique: ¿Qué película?
Virginia: le permite ir a ver esa nueva película de acción ... el uno con el Dr. Little.
Enrique: Suena como un plan.
Virginia: Sí ¿A qué hora quieres ir?
Enrique: ocho
Virginia: ocho es demasiado tarde.
Enrique: ¿siete?
Virginia: que es un buen momento.
Enrique: ¿a recogerlo?
Virginia: Si
Enrique: Bien ... verte luego.
Virginia: adiós y traer el dinero!
Enrique: Yo quiero, no te preocupes.
Virginia: Bien…te quiero
Enrique: tu a. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

El ajo español y sopa de verduras

El ajo español y sopa de verduras
Tiempo de preparación: 15 Minutos                    
Tiempo de cocción:    30 Minutos                      
Listo en: 45 Minutos

sirve seis


15 ml de aceite de oliva
3 zanahorias grandes, peladas y cortadas en cubitos
1 repollo mediano, picado
0.5 coliflor cabeza, picado
2 puerros en rodajas
6 dientes de ajo, finamente picado
1 (14.5 onzas) de tomates cortados en cubitos con jugo
25 g de pasta de tomate
945 ml de agua
60 ml de leche o crema de la luz
15 g de mantequilla
sal y pimienta al gusto


Caliente el aceite en una olla grande a fuego medio. Añada la zanahoria, el repollo, la coliflor y puerros. Cocine, revolviendo constantemente, durante unos minutos hasta que se marchita la col. Agregue el ajo y la pasta de tomate y continúe cocinando por un minuto o dos, revolviendo constantemente para evitar que el ajo se queme. Agregue 2 tazas de agua, tapar y cocinar a fuego lento durante 10 minutos.
Vierte el tomate picado y el restante 2 tazas de agua, y volver a hervir. Reduce el fuego abajo, tape y cocine a fuego lento durante 20 minutos.
Reserva 2 tazas del líquido, y el puré de la sopa que queda en una licuadora o procesadorde alimentos. Vuelva la mezcla a la reserva de líquido, y revuelva en la leche y la mantequilla. Vuelva a hervir, y cocine por 1 minuto. Sazone al gusto con sal y pimienta y servir.

Spanish Game- JUPa

Jupa instrucciones:
1) Encontrar una pieza de juego para cada juego persona.
2) Encontrar dos dados, cada rollo tiene una persona dados.
3) El que tira el número más alto se va a ir primero, en caso de empate, entonces las personas que están vinculadas volver a tirar.
4) Esa persona empieza a rodar por un solo dados y mueve la cantidad que él o ella se da.
5) El jugador sigue las instrucciones que el lugar que cae en dice.
6) El juego continúa hasta el siguiente jugador en sentido horario.
Nota rápida: los jugadores tienen que seguir las flechas cuando se mueve.

Monday, October 03, 2011


Throughout all of history, starting with the first human life on earth, people have been asking questions. Questions such as why do humans exist, what is our purpose, what fulfills us, and what happens after we die? In all of society these questions, have been pondered and question repeatedly, however, logical certainty cannot be achieved; making it personalized opinions in most cases. I as an intellectual person on this planet have actually been asking questions like this for a while, and I am ready to share my knowledge that I have come by over the years, while including the knowledge that I have gained so far during this school year.
“Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Genesis 2 tells of the story of Adam and Eve, the first two people supposedly on the earth. Adam, as from the quote was made from the dust, while his companion was formed from within his own flesh; a rib turned into women. The two were the image of god and were created by god to take care of his creation, to populate the earth, and to have a relationship with Him. Adam and Eve were the first gardeners, parents, and people to disobey god. However, this biblical story explains why we are on earth in terms of a religious side. There is a whole other side to things.
Science, a word thrown into religion that can have many people feeling sick, has a different reason, of why we are on earth. Evolution, a word that can make people throw up, has a lot of conflict in people’s minds when it comes to religion. Evolution, a theory formed by Darwin states that humans evolved from other animals by chance. Many scientists now accept evolution as fact, and many more people around the world are following suit. I for one actually accept evolution as fact and presume it to be true because of the facts presented to me. However, it is conflicting for a reason; many people do not like it and mistakenly presume that evolution disproves religion, which it does not. In fact, the two come together as nicely as to opposite magnets do. Francis Collins for example made a good point when he said, “I do not find the wording of Genesis 1 and 2 to suggest a scientific textbook but a powerful and poetic description of God’s intentions in creating the universe.” I for one agree with him in that I do not take genesis 1 and 2 literal, as I feel many people in today’s society also do not take it literal. Chris of Yes or No by Peter Kreeft, who plays the speaker of the Christian faith, had this to say, “I don’t know. [If I believe in evolution] However, suppose I did. How would that contradict my faith?” Therefore, it can be concluded that even Christians can accept that evolution does not contradict religion, and I accept that.
However, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions, and some take advantage of that by claiming what they feel is true. What do I mean by that? I mean they concluded that religion and evolution cannot mix, something I do not believe. Some will say that religion is not real at all, but evolution is, such as Steven pinker of Harvard, who claims that the theory of natural selection works, but then questions why a god would allow bad things to happen, such as 9/11. However, you also have someone like Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, who claims that that evolution happened, but it was not as random as Darwin would claim, that there was a helping hand to glide it along. Then the final type of people are those who say Evolution is not real, a thought I could not say I agree at all. They state that fossils presented do not prove that evolution took place, in fact may even prove that it did not take place. I for one know that fossils prove that old life lived on earth, but research does show that it actually does not prove evolution.
Now before we conclude I would also like to say something about the earth’s age. Science will tell us the earth is billions of years old, yet the bible claims that it is only 6000 years old, something seems wrong it would seem. Will for starters this is a misconception; there is no explicit verse, that relates the time of creation of the earth. Therefore, to conclude on why we exist, we exist because we were formed by a helping hand of a higher power and shaped and molded throughout the years into which we are today. We were made to protect the World we live in, to populate the world we live in, and if one chooses to adore the creator. There will always be speculation of how human’s existence came to be, but I feel this is the best bet. Therefore, a final note before I continue onto the next subject, we started out as dust, and we finish as dust, could it be a cycle? 
The purpose of life, and what fulfills us is a challenging question that is hard to answer like the last. Like the last, the Bible tells us that the purpose of life is to take care of his creation, to populate the earth, and to have a relationship with God. However, could there be more to it than that? The bible actually tells us a list of many purposes in life, if you understand it the way that others do. For example, the website,   has gone and made a long list of all those, so for this part I will be using examples from that site.
The purpose of life it would seem revolves around god, in many cases he bible tells us, you are created to know God, you are created for God's glory, you are created to praise God, you are created to spread the Gospel. So as it can be seen that bible for obvious reasons is heavily based around god, however it is not all about god. The bible also tells us that our purpose is to grow the fruit of the Spirit. What this means is that god wants us to grow our character during our life, it is more important that if we fail or succeed. However most importantly he wants us to use the talents that he gave to us, which can be seen in Romans 12:4-8. Most importantly, he just wants us to live our lives, do not minimize your life, live life as an adventure, and be faithful.
I actually have no problems with what the Bible says about our purpose, except I do kind of wish it was not so heavily revolved around god. I for one feel that there is a higher power, I just do not know who it is yet, for that reason I find it hard to know who to praise or spread, but I do try to get to know a higher power, who very well could be god. I think also that the purpose of life is what someone wants to make of their life, which is what a higher power would want I feel; to learn who they are. Someone who does not believe in religion or the Bible I feel can live by that. Life is after all just an adventure for all those living in it. So to conclude on this point I would say that purpose of life in unknown, but if you take, what the Bible gives it can help to give a good guideline of what our life is for and for those who do not believe then just keep doing what you are doing because it is what a higher power would want. In addition, what fulfills us I believe is what we want to fulfill us. For example, many people find it in Facebook; others find it in a wife or other means. However, in truth, we will never find it without that higher power or until death whatever comes first and that brings me to my next and final point.
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:1-3 says it best, that god does have plans for us after life. However, is it that simple and end it at that? No I am afraid not, this question is one that has plagued me the most and have given long hours of trying to find the answer to this question. For I am going to be honest here I am deeply terrified of dying and the unknown that comes with it. Therefore, I actually look for the reassurance that there is something after death and I am convinced there is. In the book, Yes and No, it talks about both Heaven and Hell. Christopher states that Heaven is open to all and that no one is condemned to Hell, and yes, Hell is a real place, human kind made it however.
However, there are people out there that claim far scarier things that end up scaring me. For example, some claim there is no after life and that everything will just go dark, like falling asleep and never waking up. Some others claim that you just are reincarnated as some other type of living creature, which I could believe. Because if you think about it, matter is never actually destroyed, so why couldn’t the matter that makes us just be recycled into some new life? It makes you think, but I hold true to the afterlife story and I hope really badly that it is true. Now before I conclude on this subject there is some interesting, “proof” to the argument of after death and that is the supernatural. For example, how does one explain having a near death experience or seeing something such as a ghost, as of now no one can. The facts all point to there being something unusual going on, people just cannot prove it. So to conclude I would say that there is life after death and it comes in the form of Heaven or Hell, which most people I would imagine choose Heaven.
As of now all of the stuff that we have talked about and focused on is almost, if not, impossible to prove. This is why what I write is what I believe to be closes and my best bet after all of the research I have done and the amount of time thinking of the topic at hand. I would like to conclude by saying religion and theology is independent upon faith, and it will not and cannot survive without faith, which I see now is why the bible is pretty focused on that.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Spanish Blog

For the Next few months my blog will be in spanish! for my viewers who don't know the language...well I am sorry I will try to add some English now and then in between :)
Now, time for the spanish!
Hola a mi hablantes de español. Este blog es para ti para los próximos meses. Yo no soy un hablante nativo, perdóname por los errores.Hoy es un mensaje de bienvenida, así que no voy a escribir mucho, pero estar preparados para más por venir...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This I believe

A subject that has been swirling around the humankind since the dawn of man is rights. What are rights, how do we get these rights, and how in the world might we possibly guarantee them, all questions that civilizations have incessantly asked all through the ages. Just within the homeland of the United States of America, it has been an everlasting battle to discover the right balance of rights.
                Rights are what a society as a majority decides them to be. Such as in the case of America, several of the rights that we have in today’s society appear as the direct result of a majority of citizens requesting those rights. For instance in the case of slavery in America, for numerous years it continued within the American nation, however, it was not until a majority of people determined that it was immoral for that change to happen and blacks received some of their rights. Now it is not like that in all cases, however I do believe that in a majority of cases this is how people get there rights.
                Guaranteeing these rights is the hard part in the society. With so many conflicting rights, it can almost seem just about impossible for any group of people to attempt to guarantee them. However, the America seems to have it closely figured out. The American way follows a strict set of rules predetermined to decide who gets what rights and if need be a majority of people can have these rights changed. So to conclude on the issue of rights, rights are formed and given by what a majority of people wish to have as rights and guaranteed by a set of predetermined rules that can be changed if need be, this I believe.   

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

You Are A Human Being

“You are a human being. You have rights inherent in that reality. You have dignity and worth that exists prior to law.” Lyn Beth Neylon, a legal and gender specialist for the Benin and Rwanda programs of the Woman’s Legal rights Initiative makes it be known a number of her outlooks on the rights in being born a human, the dignity and worth that exists before law in the above quote. Throughout the history of the United States of America, there has been more often than not a constant battle of its citizens probing what it means to be an American. This battle led to numerous and countless trouble within the shaping of America; however, it was these conflicts, which directly shaped the nation into a perfect Union for its citizens. With Lyn Beth Neylon’s quote, one should be able to tell that since reconstruction, the views of basic human rights faced challenges throughout time, domestic and foreign events did not always demonstrate that the nation honored the needs and wants of all citizens, and that the government should play a role in developing these rights for citizens.  
The second that one comes out of the womb of his or hers mother and breaths his or hers first miraculous breath of oxygen, the little boy or girl is met in the world by his or hers parents whom are human beings as the new baby child now is. The gift of humanity that is passed down throughout generation to generation does not change throughout time, we are all born the same for the most part, and in many ways we all have the same basic features, but the way that a certain individual is treated has shifted extraordinarily many times since reconstruction. It was just one gene, that so happens to control skin color, this one gene would be the root cause of over one hundred years of tension between blacks and whites. Blacks were born just like there white counterpart however, many white did not view blacks as equal, they may have been human beings but, they were not allowed to inherent any rights and they clung to any dignity that they could hold onto.
However, right after the civil war period, the nation went into a state of reconstruction, a time of rebuilding of the nation for the betterment. The north, who many speculate fought the war to end slavery within the United States actual tried to aid the blacks and for the first time in a very long time in the history of the nation grant them rights. Three new amendments were passed, 13th amendment allowed them their freedom to not be slaves, 14th amendment allowed them to be American citizens if born in the nation, and the 15th allowed blacks the right to vote. These were rights, that blacks within the nation in the past had never felt and it allowed blacks to feel some dignity with the help of law. Another law that passed in 1870 even went as far as to say that a public business could not segregate blacks from their business. Blacks were now allowed to eat and hangout with whites and have more rights than ever before. However, a common problem within the United States arose, people fighting for what they believed to be right, and one of the biggest anti-Black groups arose as a direct cause of blacks getting rights. This new group, the Ku-Klux-Klan was a terrorist group in the eyes of many, but mostly in the North when founded and the government even tried to stop it with the Ku-Klux-Klan Act. However, the overwhelming number of people not wanting to allow blacks their rights got what they wanted in 1883 when the government gave up on trying to grant blacks their rights, and as quickly as blacks got their rights they were gone for the most part and in many cases many blacks lost even more because of the black laws. The government had tried to develop rights for the blacks of America during reconstruction, but had failed and at the same time failed at giving the wants of the black community of America.
The Gilded Age did not prove to give many more rights to any one group; it was just a time of great wealth and success for the nation of America, Mark Twain who made the term did have disgust on this age by the way that the businesses operated. The Progressive Era however, is a much different story in terms of rights. The progressive Era led to many groups finding new rights, one of the groups was the working class. The working class from the late 1800’s to early 1900’s has faced numerous challenges and the government saw and realized these challenges and stepped in to fix the problems. Labor groups and the government made sure the people that worked got more steps to freedom and could work without worry. The main thing to worry about was damage to the human body, many people were working long hours in dangerous conditions, for little pay, to make matters worse many of the people working were young kids. In one such act passed during this time allowed the government to step in and monitor private business for the first time, one of the most powerful companies for a long time, the railroad system was the direct reason for this new act. Women also used the progressive Era as a time to try to make change happen; they wanted the right to vote and to be equal with man. The process of how a women and man differ is quote complicated, but it is as simple as one Y chromosome being different. So why woman were not granted equal rights until woman suffrage later on in the nation’s history is beyond many. The progressive Era led to great change within the nation’s way of living and greatly shifted how domestic policy operated, the nation saw that groups of people needed change to happen and many of those people had gotten what they wanted, and the government had made change happen with new laws and granted new rights.
The Imperialistic Nation of America in the early 1900’s had gotten in a little war known as the Spanish-American war. Many African Americans gave their life in this war and after it was over and America and received the Philippines, Guam, and other land many African Americans were left still without rights. This angered many African Americans who fought in the war, but besides a few protests, nothing came out of it. World War One, The war that the nation tried to stay neutral in for the longest time had a similar effect with American Americans, but still nothing came out of it. The Roaring Twenties, the lowest point within America, had trouble written all over it. Following the progressive Era, many people were still trying to make change happen, and this change led to the lowest point in America. The government took away a right from all Americans during this period, the right to drink alcohol. This angered the people of the nation and left many questioning if the government had too much power and if they should be able to control what they can and cannot drink. People, many of whom were outranged, rioted, and debated for change, and they would receive that change. Thus proving the government should monitor and pass new rights, but only if there is a direct interest by the people to do as such. The roaring twenties would leave with no newfound rights and a United States that was at one of its lowest points. However, it would lead to new domestic policies, with the new deal shaping a few things within the nation and fixing loose screws. 
 World War 2 would have a great deal of shaping rights with America as well. Woman Suffrage was huge around this time and one particular person leading that charge was the women found on posters all around working for the Army. This poster was a great example of how woman could stand up and help the nation with the War. The nation around this time would finally allow woman to vote, once the government passed the new laws to allow it. However, at the same time many groups who aided in the war were not so fortunate to gather new rights, many groups in fact who fought in the war never received new rights. The government aided in fixing problems with woman rights and proving the nation allowed that change to happen by passing new laws. World War 2 its self did not provide rights, but events around it led to new rights. Also during and a little after World War Two America locked up Japanese citizens of America and held them against their will. They had done nothing wrong but the new foreign affairs directed that they be locked up since they had Japanese blood, this clearly went against their needs and wants. The Cold War, Korean War, and Vietnam War, war of two super powers fighting it out did not have much impact on the rights granted to its citizens all that much. The wars did lead like the others to an increased want of rights by many groups who fault in the wars. Foreign affairs shifted greatly when the nation decided that it would fund other places to make sure communism could not and would not spread.
In the 1960’s a new war for rights took place, the civil rights period. New thinkers took up to revive the challenges that the government had failed to do in the 1800’s and finally allow African Americans all the rights that they rightfully deserve. The Civil rights period for the nation was not easy, and for the south to forget Jim Crow’s Laws was even harder. For anyone who was not alive during that time it is hard to realize fully of what it was like, but the best way to describe it is like a warzone. Blacks and Whites alike were losing their lives to what they believed to be right. Jews, a group that for a long time like Blacks had many rights taken away from them, such as bring allowed to eat or go to certain places. Yes, segregated they had been and for that reason in many instances, Jews provide money for the riots and marches that the blacks had to gain their rights. However, with that said blacks for the most part are the ones who got it done with great leaders, such as Martin Luther King, who had a dream for change in the nation. Great leaders standing up for change accomplished his dream piece by piece. One great example is Love vs. Virginia, a case that went to the Supreme Court that allowed blacks to marry whomever they wished; this case overturned a case from the early 1900’s. It is examples such as this that led to the African Americans to receive equal rights and to be equal to whites. However, once again, the government and new laws are what allowed this change to happen, but also these new laws would not have formed without the help of everyone who fought for change.  
After the events of the civil rights period, the nation fought many new hardships to continue that shaping of the nation into a better and perfect union. But in many ways it will never be perfect, such as today a new question has arisen, what rights should homosexuals have; rights is a endless debate that throughout history has been debated. “You are a human being. You have rights inherent in that reality. You have dignity and worth that exists prior to law.” So back to the quote, it is true that one who is born is a human being, but not all rights are inherent in that reality, in fact many people throughout history did not get any dignity or worth until after new laws, notice that key word, until, not prior. It is clear that since reconstruction, the views of basic human rights faced challenges throughout time, domestic and foreign events did not always demonstrate that the nation honored the needs and wants of all citizens, and that the government should play a role in developing these rights for citizens. Americans throughout time continuously worked to make this nation what it is today, but it is not perfect yet and it may never be, but as of now, it is close, the nation is doing a good job regulating rights and making sure that we are all equal. Remember, together we stand, together we fall. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Drug Smuggling on the Bay

On March 11, 1987, The Free Lance-Star, a newspaper of Fredericksburg, VA published an article that would alarm numerous Americans and alert countless more. It was an issue, which was spreading like a wildfire within the American civilization, affecting both the domestic policy as well as the foreign policy. Around this time, drug smuggling was evolving in places where it had never before, the Chesapeake Bay region was seeing drug smuggling increase, striking terror into the government to get involved, this lead to domestic policy and foreign affair policy expressing itself in small places, such as on the Rappahannock River with the Daddy Warbucks incident of 1984.
             Many would have viewed the Chesapeake region as a small peaceful community, where nothing unusual or out of the ordinary took place such as drug smuggling. However, the drug smugglers around this time were getting smart; they realized that by going somewhere secluded they were more likely to succeed. Such lead to the events of 1984, when aboard the Daddy Warbucks six tons of marijuana within the ship lead to the arrest and downfall of a huge drug smuggling operation. However, such events would also take place around the Chesapeake Bay, leaving many to demand for a change and many more fearing what could become of their hometowns.
            To help ease these fears the government of Virginia promised that there would be change to the problems. The government held to their word and built in Reedville, VA a Customs Service, who with the help of the Coast Guard and federal law enforcements received the best training available at that time. However with all this pressure into fixing the drug smuggling problem, it was nowhere near perfect, the Coast Guard estimated during that time that only a quarter of all drugs being smuggled on the Chesapeake Bay was being intercepted. The problem it would seem is one that will not be stoppable anytime soon if ever, as Mason, who had at the time served with Custom Services for 22 years, shares that he feels the only way to fix the problem is through education.
            Also going on around the whole United States around this same time was the continuing battle of the War on Drugs. The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid and military intervention lead by the United States government, with the assistance of participating countries, intended to reduce the illegal drug trade. President Nixon was actually one of the first to use the term on June 17, 1971. As early as 1982, Vice President George H.W. Bush and his aides began pushing for the involvement of the CIA and U.S. military in drug interdiction efforts. In terms of Domestic policies, the War on Drugs led the incarnation rate to skyrocket; also, many new laws passed within the nation to control the drug spread and distribution within the United States. Foreign affairs also played a part during this time; the United States government many times throughout history have pumped money into the country and used troops to invade other countries. One of the first anti-drug efforts in the realm of foreign policy was President Nixon's Operation Intercept, announced in September 1969, targeted at reducing the amount of cannabis entering the United States from Mexico. The effort began with an intense inspection crackdown that resulted in an almost shutdown of cross-border traffic Because the burden on border crossings was controversial in border states, the effort only lasted twenty days. Overall, it had a huge impact on
            In conclusion, the War on Drugs had a huge impact all throughout the United States, the Daddy Warbucks incident of 1984 showed the influence the government had on controlling drug smuggling during this period. The Chesapeake Bay proved to be a good place for trade, until the government realized what had to happen to stop this smuggling. However, like smuggling before this war started it will most likely continue with no way to stop it totally. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How War and Violence Led to Unity

As a nation as a whole, it took numerous years for a sense of unity to form within the United States as a whole. Strange is it not, that battles, martyrs, blood, and even assassination should so condense a nationality. With that said, is it war and violence that defines American history, did the past actions of America’s great ancestors actually bring Americans together as a whole; many would argue it did and that it also helped to sort out the constitution.
            The year is 1763 and a new proclamation from the motherland of England is sweeping all around the young colonies of America. Within this proclamation, rules stated that the colonies were not to pass an invisible line drawn by the British. The British claimed it was for the colonies own good, for England realized that there was no way that the colonies would be safe from Indian attacks. However, many colonists did not see it this way and they argued that it was not fair. Many years went on and tension was rising rapidly within the colonies. One of the causes for this happened on the cold night in 1770, when crowds of defenseless people within Boston died from gunshot wounds; this had many within Boston shouting foul. The main cause of this increased tension was that England was imposing internal taxes such as the stamp act, as well as other taxes such the sugar act and Townsend acts. Such taxes angered the wealthy within the colonies and the masses were not much happier, leading to talk that maybe something needed to happen. Within Boston something did happen, the Boston Tea Party, where numerous people dressed up as Indians and dumped tea within the harbor. The message was one that would be hard to mistaken, the colonies made it clear to the king that they no longer considered themselves English. The king responded with shutting the port of Boston down and making sure group meetings did not happen, in hope to quite the talk of rebellion down. However it failed for the masses had already been heavily influenced by the wealthy to rebel against the British, that can be seen within the give me liberty or give me death speech. The final straw was broken within the battle of Lexington, where the first blood of the Revolutionary war dropped. The states as a whole came together and agreed to sign a document stating that they had their independence from Britain and that they were no longer part of England.
            For the first year of the revolutionary war, the people of the colonies lost every battle, not winning even one. The army fighting on the American side within that year saw the numbers of fighting soldiers drop from 20,000 soldiers to a measly 2,000 soldiers. George Washington knew that he needed to do something quickly or else the war would be lost. So he did the unthinkable on the night of December 25th, 1776, he crossed the Delaware River in the dead of the night and attacked the English army. This tactic won the American armies there first battle, as well as reignite the fire within the hearts of the soldiers. Although the British considered George Washington as a terrorist, his unorthodox approach to that battle actually may have coaxed the spirits of rebels within America. For after that battle America won more and more battles and with each victory increased the volume of soldiers. Finally, after many years of fighting the battle ended after a major victory in Yorktown. The treaty of Paris and Britain came in to effect and with that, Britain rather hinted that they would be back and that they wished America good luck. For they figured that America had no money, and no way to tax itself that it would quickly fail. Sadly for the most part they were right, the states were in a state of freefall, this point within American history is where Americans were least united. With no way to govern this new nation, the wealthy were quick to realize something needed to be done and quickly. On September 17th, 1787, the constitution came into effect within the nation. This new document forever would change what America did and believed. However, this document also managed for the first time within American history to regroup and unit Americans for the first time since the Revolutionary war.
            Everything continued and with this new constitution, it seemed things were starting to calm down. However, in 1799, after the election of Thomas Jefferson, an act that came into effect the night before Jefferson was to take office caused a total political bloodshed. This event was the Midnight Judges, where many judges were hired, thus increasing the size of total government, as well as keeping the total power of government to the previous group in office, before that of Thomas Jefferson. This “peaceful” change of power as said by Marshall was unconstitutional. However, it led to changes within the review system. However, one of the most controversial events in American history is the buying of the Louisiana Purchase. Jefferson went against congress and the constitution went he told Monroe to purchase the land from Napoleon for 15,000 dollars. This lead too many people considering Jefferson to be a bad person for doing such a thing, but congress made it right by finding a way to pay for it all by selling land.
            Britain came back in 1812 for a second try to take back America. The war was a bloody war and if it was not for France, the States may have actually lost the war. However, with that victory of that war came a new since of pride and patriotism. That bloody war, for the first time in a long time actually brought Americans in all the states together, the nation was for a short time a whole. America stayed in a sort of peacefully time after that war until about 1820. Then crises started to take over within the states, in 1819 the first of many economical depressions started to take place. The economy all throughout antebellum period was quite unstable. Causes for this unstableness ranges however to name a few, there was the bank wars in 1835, the failures of banks and economy. However, with each depression the nation seemed to become more and more independent.
            The Missouri compromise intertwines with history that will take place later on. For the Missouri compromise was a debate about slavery states and if Missouri should or should not be a slave state. This lead too many debates within the nation and in the end the compromise made any state below an invisible line able to be a slave state and all the states above were not, thus the starting point of a splitting between south and north. For the territories, that were yet to be owned, or yet to be made into states, the states wanted to make sure no one touched them. So the Monroe Doctrine was passed that told everyone not American to stay out of this land, for this land was reserved for America. In exchange, America would not bother other countries.
            With the new land locked into place, many Americans under the Manifest Dynasty went to fight for new land. This lead to the removal of the Indians, even against the wishes of congress, as well as the killing of many Indians, such as in the trail of tears, this lead to disagreement in the American people. However, there was also a war not often talked about, and that is the Aroostook war, where there was a dispute between Canada and Maine’s boarder. However, the wealthy were quick to jump in and solve the problem before there was much bloodshed; the solution was the Webster-Ashburton treaty. Mexico posed a problem for the United States; however, in the two-year war that took place with them, a battle was never lost on the American side. In the end, half of Mexico was American land, for the price of 15,000,000 dollars; called the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This war was very popular with the people of America, thus bringing them together once again, however it also divided the government. For many Whigs questioned Polk’s motives for the war. There was also a renewed debate over slavery between the North Whigs and the growing number of abolitionists against all of the south and a majority of democrats.
            Leading up to 1860, historians argue greatly why the Civil war took place, however it is not hard to see that a great divide between south and north had formed. In all aspects, from political, to economy, to social issues, everything between both sides had changed. Government was quickly falling apart leading up to the war, from the destruction of the Whig party, to the pure destruction of government when four people ran for president in 1860. Next the economy of the north and south greatly differed, the south was a one sided economy and was suffering as such, while the north was a well round industrialized place. Then social was different at well, for the social way of life was outdated in the south while it was quickly transforming in the north. Many historians would argue that the cause was slavery, however whatever the reason, the civil war made a divide between the two sides. As the war went on many people died, gave blood, and even assassinated. This gore and destruction pitted friends and family against each other and ended up being one of the bloodiest wars known to most American. However, it did something that no other war before it could do; it actually brought the Americans together as a whole and kept it as a whole. Unlike in the past were it temporally became a whole, this time up to the present it stayed a whole. It also reshaped the constitution, as each battle and bloodshed before it had done.
            War and battle within America in fact did bring people together as a nation; the constitution in each

war and battle received a editing that made it reach a near perfect formula. A bunch of independence came 

together after that last war and finally actually became united, and not just looked at as a separate state. To 

sum it up war and terror within the United States was wrong in many levels; however, it made the nation one, 

and not many, thanks to the editing of the constitution.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Causes of the Civil War

                The day is April 12, 1861; a then 67-year-old Edmund Ruffin is waiting for what would be a single 10-inch mortar round that would be the signal to fire upon Fort Sumter. The gun shots fired that day would be the primarily shots of the American Civil War. However, what went wrong between the southern states and northern states? Many would argue that it was in fact multiple concepts that resulted in such conflict between the sides, the only concept that respected historians seem to agree on is that slavery had a tremendous impact on influencing the choice of war. However, there are many other concepts that they cannot seem to agree on, such as was it about economics or state rights, to prove this if you sat three historians down most likely all three would have a different reason for why the war started. However, with that said, there are some ideas that seem very likely that most people after careful research and analyzing would agree with that reason for why the war was fought.
            One of the most important events within American history is something most historians would most likely not argue about, the invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney, Jr. somewhere around 1794. The cotton gin shaped the whole economics of the southern states, before the invention, cotton was worthless to most farmers, the cost, and time to pick out all the little seeds was just too much work for most farmers and thus proved to be not at the least a profitable crop. However, after the cotton gin’s invention, the new cash crop rose quickly, and with the rise, something much raunchier really took off, slavery. Although there had been slavery much before Whitney’s invention, it was not anywhere near the numbers of slavery after his invention. If one was to look at the numbers this would be made clear quickly, in 1790 there had been 681,777 slaves, however by 1810, only 17 years after his invention there were 1,005,685 slaves in the United States, and by 1860, 1,775,515 slaves. Logic would tell that the increase of numbers formed by an increased need for workers. Thus, this invention caused an increase in the need for slavery that would in two score or so a string of conflicts within the nation. 
            Over time, the northern states and southern states formed a divine with the economic and social differences, thus setting up for disagreements. The key differences are that while the south focused upon agriculture, while the north focused upon industry. The north actually would purchase the raw cotton and in the factories make their own products. The divide between the two sides was starting to form from the major difference in economic attitudes. This change in the Northern states meant that society evolved as people of different cultures and classes had to work together. While, the South continued to hold onto an outdated and old fashioned social order. However, Slavery does pay a part in this because the one-sided economy that the south had come to form was greatly the fault of cotton and slavery.
            Another great argument that many historians have with each other is that state rights had a monstrous effect on the choice to go to war.  Nullification to an extent would have been a good idea, however if the states were able to nullify every single new federal act nothing would happen within the United States. However, the states did not see it this way and in terms of the southern states, it is very simple to see why it is that they, the people of the south were outraged when the federal government denied states this right. The southern states most likely felt that if they were able to have a voice within the new acts, they, the people of the south would never have to worry about losing slavery, for they would always be able to deny any acts concerning the topic. That is why it disastrously failed and when nullification would not work and states felt respect had vanished, the states moved towards secession. In addition, many people of the southern states argued that the black slaves were their property and that it would go against their rights if the government tried to take their property. Once again, it is easy to envision how slavery tied into the conflicts.
            States often argued what states should have slavery and which ones should not, it was often debated very critically; however, both sides felt for the longest time that there should be a equal number of slave states to free states. The Missouri Compromise passed in 1820 made a rule that prohibited slavery in states from the former Louisiana Purchase the latitude 36 degrees 30 minutes north except in Missouri. During and after the Mexican war there was much debate with the plan for the new territories, such as if they would become slave states or be a non-slave states. David Wilmot proposed the Wilmot Proviso in 1846, which would ban slavery in the new lands. However, this too many appeared to be an extremely bad idea and it was denied with much support. As time went on the debating continued and in 1850, the compromise of 1850 came to be. This compromise formed to deal with the balance between slave and free states, northern and southern interests. However, the most controversial issue of that was a provision called the Fugitive Slave Act, where a white man went to jail for not helping catch a slave. Naturally, this angered many southerners and even more Northerners. To make it worst four years later there was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which drastically added tension. The act said that people would vote whether or not they wanted to have slavery within their respected state. However, even though this seemed to be a good idea at the time, however it transformed into pure ciaos after pro-slavery Americans poured into Kansas. This caused the event, bleeding Kansas, where blood spelt while fighting for what people felt was their beliefs. The fight even erupted on the floor of the senate when antislavery proponent Charles Sumner was beat over the head by South Carolina's Senator Preston Brooks. Things truly were becoming very iniquitous, it seemed that people were about to snap and do something drastic, such as start a war.
            However, the main reason for succession and later on the war was the election of 1860, when Abraham Lincoln became president of the United States. In truth, the government by this election was in a state of breakdown; both parties had no idea who they wanted to have run. In the end, four people actually ran for president. Even though Abraham Lincoln flat out said that he had no interest in removing the slaves, most in the south anathematized Lincoln until the day they died. For that reason, his name never showed up on any of the southern ballots. When he did win without the vote from the south, it angered the south to the breaking point. The fire-eaters concluded that they would not be able to expand slavery into the territories. The expansion of slavery into the territories was crucial to the south to keep a balance of free and slave states in the Senate, and now that they saw that under Lincoln, expansion of slavery was improbable, thus influencing the southern states to succeed. Back to Fort Sumter’s, Edmund Ruffin was a fire-eater and it should come as no surprise that he fired the first shots of the civil war.
            To conclude the war was essentially about slavery and protecting white supremacy. However as it can be seen there were many other things that influenced the Civil War, but it all ties into slavery. However, the over line reason war came to be is that the Cotton Gin was invented. Many would say that without its invention slavery would have died off after 1808, when the slave trade died away in the United States, however with that being said there is no way to be certain.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stem Cell Research

"Embryonic stem-cell studies are controversial because they involve the destruction of human embryos”, as quoted from a New York Times article on May 6. However, with all the controversially revolving the topic, there are many positives within the subject stem cell research, and that is why research is much wanted. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. What makes these cells so unique is their ability to renew themselves through cell division, even after a long period of inactivity. As well as the ability, to become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions, and in some cases even replace the old tissue with new, undamaged, and unworn tissue.
            However, with anything good, there is always a drawback, and it is no different here. In 1981, scientist found a method to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos. It would only take 17 more years of research until the discovery of how to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory, known to most as human embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are important for living organisms for many reasons. In the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the heart, lung, skin, sperm, eggs, and other tissues. However many consider these as living people, but more on that later.
Stem Cell research is a subject with much debate surrounding it, but it truly is very useful. For example, they proliferate extensively and generate sufficient quantities of tissue. Also, differentiate into the desired cell types, Survive in the recipient after transplant. That is pretty big in itself, scientist have tried many different methods to replace the old body organs, however the body usually rejects it, in this case it does not, thus helping show that stem cell research is much needed. Integrate into the surrounding tissue after transplant, something that no other replacement body part would, or could do. Function appropriately for the duration of the recipient's life, meaning that like a heart replacement in modern medicine, it would not stop working before your death. Avoid harming the recipient in any way, meaning that it is all, but safe. However many of what is said is still in the testing stages, for scientist need a lot more years of research to get everything right, as well as keep working on ways to make it so that the immune system does not reject new tissue. However if stem cell research is allowed to continue in the United States, as it should, then there is a very bright future ahead for Americans.
“The embryo is the size of the tip of George Washington’s nose on a quarter.” However, for many these embryos are living people. For this reason, many feel that by killing them, you are thus ending a life; however, the ones that scientist uses were doomed to die already. Another reason for the lack of wanting to research on these stem cells in that many people feel that scientist only want to do the research for it is a huge step into cloning humans. Now I am no expert on this subject, however I do know that if a scientist wanted to clone a human, it could be done without the use of stem cells. However, let us just say for some reason they could not, it is illegal to clone humans in America and I believe as well as in most the world. For with cloning comes an even greater controversial subject than stem cell research. Now read this quote very carefully and slowly, “it [the embryo] has no consciousness, no self-awareness, no ability to feel love or pain, the smallest insect is far more human in every respect except potential”. Shocking thing to write, however the quote makes a very good point these embryos that are only about three to five days old are not all that advance and thus are not a living person. However if you still think it’s bad then read this quote, “Is destroying that microscopic dot the exact moral equivalent of driving a knife through the heart of an innocent 6-year-old girl?” Any rational person would without a doubt say no to this question, so why would it be any different when asked differently. However, one more question should be posed before I move on, “Do you believe that a woman who gets an abortion should be prosecuted for murder, just like a mother who hires a professional killer to off her teenage son?” If by now you are still saying no stem cell research, then you might want to look at the bigger picture. Every year thousands of Embryos are destroyed at abortion clinics, however you do not see people swarming into the place arresting all those poor girls for murder do you. Stem cell research is not something that is wrong.
            However, to ease some of the tension that you may be feeling for me right now let me say some of my own personal feelings. Yes I do support stem cell research all the way however to tell the truth, I do not know for sure if I could be the one killing a embryo, for the question still remains, is it murder. Science of course will say otherwise, however your heart will tell a different story. Lucky in the last few years much of the controversy has disappeared with new methods to extract stem cells, such as from the umbilical cord or from bone marrow. As well as a means found in Japan where skin cells are tricked to act like stem cells, but they are considered to be highly cancerous, for this reason most scientist still consider embryos to be one of the best sources to get stem cells. Knowing the possible health benefits, I would have to say that I support stem cell research. However, I would not want them to test cloning. I would only want them to find ways to improve the general health of people. However, it must be noted that it is going to take a lot more research until the cures that they are hoping for actually start to roll in, for too many people have exaggerated it. I believe that stem cell research with continued progress will end up transforming modern medicine, as we know it. However, I think that is exactly what many people are afraid of, for think about it where would all those stem cells come from. However, I think if it came to that scientist would figure out a way to cross that bridge.
To summarize I do feel that stem cell research is very important and something that needs to be studied, however when I read quotes like, The destruction of human embryos to harvest stem cells is "not only devoid of the light of God but is also devoid of humanity" and "does not truly serve humanity”. I do start question what I truly believe, but as of now, I do feel as if stem cell research is something positive. Maybe Obama’s new bill will lead to a brighter future, as he has promised. Therefore, I want to leave you with a quote to think about from John Danforth, former U.S. senator and Episcopal priest, "My entire political career, I voted pro-life, and that is exactly why I favor the stem cell initiative. I believe in saving human life. I want cures to be found."
Kinsley, Michael. "The False Controversy of Stem Cells - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - 23 May 2004. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. <,9171,1101040531-641157,00.html>

"Stem Cell Basics [Stem Cell Information]." NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. <>

Wanjek, Christopher. "Embryonic Stem Cells: 5 Misconceptions | LiveScience." LiveScience | Science, Technology, Health & Environmental News. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. <>

ANALYSIS. "Quotes on Stem Cell Research from Political, Religious and Other Prominent Figures." Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. 17 July 2008. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. <,-Religious-and-Other-Prominent-Figures.aspx>.