Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Stem Cell Research

"Embryonic stem-cell studies are controversial because they involve the destruction of human embryos”, as quoted from a New York Times article on May 6. However, with all the controversially revolving the topic, there are many positives within the subject stem cell research, and that is why research is much wanted. Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person is still alive. What makes these cells so unique is their ability to renew themselves through cell division, even after a long period of inactivity. As well as the ability, to become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions, and in some cases even replace the old tissue with new, undamaged, and unworn tissue.
            However, with anything good, there is always a drawback, and it is no different here. In 1981, scientist found a method to derive embryonic stem cells from early mouse embryos. It would only take 17 more years of research until the discovery of how to derive stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory, known to most as human embryonic stem cells. Stem cells are important for living organisms for many reasons. In the 3- to 5-day-old embryo, called a blastocyst, the inner cells give rise to the entire body of the organism, including all of the many specialized cell types and organs such as the heart, lung, skin, sperm, eggs, and other tissues. However many consider these as living people, but more on that later.
Stem Cell research is a subject with much debate surrounding it, but it truly is very useful. For example, they proliferate extensively and generate sufficient quantities of tissue. Also, differentiate into the desired cell types, Survive in the recipient after transplant. That is pretty big in itself, scientist have tried many different methods to replace the old body organs, however the body usually rejects it, in this case it does not, thus helping show that stem cell research is much needed. Integrate into the surrounding tissue after transplant, something that no other replacement body part would, or could do. Function appropriately for the duration of the recipient's life, meaning that like a heart replacement in modern medicine, it would not stop working before your death. Avoid harming the recipient in any way, meaning that it is all, but safe. However many of what is said is still in the testing stages, for scientist need a lot more years of research to get everything right, as well as keep working on ways to make it so that the immune system does not reject new tissue. However if stem cell research is allowed to continue in the United States, as it should, then there is a very bright future ahead for Americans.
“The embryo is the size of the tip of George Washington’s nose on a quarter.” However, for many these embryos are living people. For this reason, many feel that by killing them, you are thus ending a life; however, the ones that scientist uses were doomed to die already. Another reason for the lack of wanting to research on these stem cells in that many people feel that scientist only want to do the research for it is a huge step into cloning humans. Now I am no expert on this subject, however I do know that if a scientist wanted to clone a human, it could be done without the use of stem cells. However, let us just say for some reason they could not, it is illegal to clone humans in America and I believe as well as in most the world. For with cloning comes an even greater controversial subject than stem cell research. Now read this quote very carefully and slowly, “it [the embryo] has no consciousness, no self-awareness, no ability to feel love or pain, the smallest insect is far more human in every respect except potential”. Shocking thing to write, however the quote makes a very good point these embryos that are only about three to five days old are not all that advance and thus are not a living person. However if you still think it’s bad then read this quote, “Is destroying that microscopic dot the exact moral equivalent of driving a knife through the heart of an innocent 6-year-old girl?” Any rational person would without a doubt say no to this question, so why would it be any different when asked differently. However, one more question should be posed before I move on, “Do you believe that a woman who gets an abortion should be prosecuted for murder, just like a mother who hires a professional killer to off her teenage son?” If by now you are still saying no stem cell research, then you might want to look at the bigger picture. Every year thousands of Embryos are destroyed at abortion clinics, however you do not see people swarming into the place arresting all those poor girls for murder do you. Stem cell research is not something that is wrong.
            However, to ease some of the tension that you may be feeling for me right now let me say some of my own personal feelings. Yes I do support stem cell research all the way however to tell the truth, I do not know for sure if I could be the one killing a embryo, for the question still remains, is it murder. Science of course will say otherwise, however your heart will tell a different story. Lucky in the last few years much of the controversy has disappeared with new methods to extract stem cells, such as from the umbilical cord or from bone marrow. As well as a means found in Japan where skin cells are tricked to act like stem cells, but they are considered to be highly cancerous, for this reason most scientist still consider embryos to be one of the best sources to get stem cells. Knowing the possible health benefits, I would have to say that I support stem cell research. However, I would not want them to test cloning. I would only want them to find ways to improve the general health of people. However, it must be noted that it is going to take a lot more research until the cures that they are hoping for actually start to roll in, for too many people have exaggerated it. I believe that stem cell research with continued progress will end up transforming modern medicine, as we know it. However, I think that is exactly what many people are afraid of, for think about it where would all those stem cells come from. However, I think if it came to that scientist would figure out a way to cross that bridge.
To summarize I do feel that stem cell research is very important and something that needs to be studied, however when I read quotes like, The destruction of human embryos to harvest stem cells is "not only devoid of the light of God but is also devoid of humanity" and "does not truly serve humanity”. I do start question what I truly believe, but as of now, I do feel as if stem cell research is something positive. Maybe Obama’s new bill will lead to a brighter future, as he has promised. Therefore, I want to leave you with a quote to think about from John Danforth, former U.S. senator and Episcopal priest, "My entire political career, I voted pro-life, and that is exactly why I favor the stem cell initiative. I believe in saving human life. I want cures to be found."
Kinsley, Michael. "The False Controversy of Stem Cells - TIME." Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com. 23 May 2004. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. <http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101040531-641157,00.html>

"Stem Cell Basics [Stem Cell Information]." NIH Stem Cell Information Home Page. Web. 17 Jan. 2011. <http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/basics/>

Wanjek, Christopher. "Embryonic Stem Cells: 5 Misconceptions | LiveScience." LiveScience | Science, Technology, Health & Environmental News. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. <http://www.livescience.com/health/090317-bad-stem-cells.html>

ANALYSIS. "Quotes on Stem Cell Research from Political, Religious and Other Prominent Figures." Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life. 17 July 2008. Web. 18 Jan. 2011. <http://pewforum.org/Science-and-Bioethics/Quotes-on-Stem-Cell-Research-from-Political,-Religious-and-Other-Prominent-Figures.aspx>.

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